Himmy Satin Silkie Sow
(Mom - NFS)

Silkies hair can grow up to 20 inches in length and requires regular brushing to be kept in show coat. Their long hair flows back from the head over the body. When viewed from above the hair should form a teardrop shape with a somewhat longer sweep of hair in the rear and should never have a central part. Hair grows at the rate of approximately 1 inch per month.

If you enter him in the next Lone Star Cavy Club show (December 10 he won't be big enough), I will pay your entry fees.

Here is a link to a website that will tell you how to make your own guinea pig cage relatively easy and inexpensive. Guinea Pig Cages

I feed Hartz Guinea Pig Food ($6.98 for a 10# bag at Wal-Mart), alfafa, timothy/coastal/bermuda hay daily along with a variety of fresh fruits and veggies including but not limited to: romaine lettuce, cilantro, parsley, carrots, apples, cucumbers, banana leaves, spinach, green leaf lettuce, guinea pig treat bars. I use water bottles (also purchased at Wal-Mart for about $4) and I keep them provided with edible Snack Shack (medium size bought at Wal-Mart for about $6).

The bedding I use is CareFresh put over a layer of paper pellets (bought in the cat litter section). Recently I have heard of these Guinea Pig Quilts, and may try one myself eventually.

Cavies do well in pairs (or more) because they are naturally social herding animals. It is best to keep piggies of the same gender unless you are wanting babies. She would do fine with a boy from a different litter.

Himmy Satin Silkie Boar
(Dad - NFS)

Himmy Satin Silkie Boar $100
SOLD - to Marian Feinauer
ended up with REALLY nice points.

White Satin Silkie Sow $40
might have super pale points - does chew hair
SOLD to Brandie.
Her name is Sage and she is a little diva.


Himmy Satin Silkie Boar $100
SOLD - to Claudia Holmes

They are very close in weight and both started getting their points by 2 days old!